Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Toast

Happy birthday to me. I'm turning 22 in the widow's words, I lit the candle.
I am finally working again, although I am yet to write a report which was due yesterday. In the last four months apart from having leant a lot, I also happened to befriend an uncle who writes down everything I say to him about computers and managed to consume 20 odd cigarettes on the department terrace at 2 AM.
I'm getting hooked to guitar.
I went drinking with my dad for the first time. He got me shoes and lots of stories from the Tien An Men square.
Sangam footer is back. I've gotten quicker and fitter than last sem.
A toast to everyone.
To Eric, finally back in the circle; To the prodigal widow, now employed at Bangaluru; To Hyde and Kelso, back from their husband-wife-husband honeymoon; To Red, alive and kicking balls again; To Donna, who doesn't know I read his love letters; To Jackie, his job and everything; and to Fez, good luck with matters of heart.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

End Semester Blues.

The boredom of being surrounded by job talk and app talk.
Strained Si/Compressively strained SiGe dual channel MOSFETs and their troubling threshold voltage curves.
Retorting to my professor every time, which isn't helping the cause.
Making the last effort to get over That 70s show by watching the whole boring 8th Season in one stretch.
Coming to know of the babe value of Mila Kunis as a result, and watching the older episodes in a new light.
Refusing to take the solicitous advice from father.
Deciding not to spend more than a year of my life working for a corporate, finally.
Frequenting thoughts of an old friend and the mistake he made in life.

Anyway. For all you 70s show buggers. Here's a review of the whole thing.

Season 1.
Season 1 is not in the same class of seasons 2 and 3. Its doesnt have the flow of the other seasons and most of the humour came from Fez alone. Donna is a drag and Jackie hardly had any part to play. Kelso is good as always. Hyde comes to his own in the second half of the season. Yeah, about that. This season has some of the best circle scenes in the show. The best performer of the season without doubt is Eric. His adolescent naivety carries many episodes like Streaking, Battle Of The Sexists, Drive In, Thanksgiving, First Date and Prom Night.
The Top 3 Episodes :
That Disco Episode (Totally hilarious)
Thanksgiving (Sleazy humour. But very very funny)
The Water Tower (In this one Kelso falls of the water tower while the gang was painting a giant pot leaf on it. At least one guy falls of the tower in each of the eight seasons)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Exam Hall

Wandering eyes.
The morning cold stings through the long metal armrests on either side.
The girl in the front row tucks away her pen. She'll crack the test because the questions paper is probably the same from last year, and she would have solved it two times over. She yawns as she looks around and touches her curls. Daylight gleams of her white skin. I want to hide inside her. Know her dreams.
I get up and walk towards the water can to sneak a look from the front of the hall.
Two men walk around for the signatures
White answer sheets. Fountain pens. The aisle rising up and narrowing down.
I am empty. In the middle of daylight. And dreams.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


My inherent disposition to stay lazy makes me brag about work. I don't think I was made to do work.
What I will do is stop cribbing. :)

Friday, November 24, 2006

The other kind.

This is the dumber kind. She even has a community called "Biharis+Education=DeadlyCombo".
Read the whole thing here

hi!!!!! buddies...
its actually the most difficult task to key in something about yourself, dont u think so?? well to start with lemme tell u that m a simple gal always adorned with a smile on my face, hey m not lying huh!! u can always get back to my close pals to check how far m true..i am all the more a freak-out kindda person who enjoys being in good company and share same pedestal of mental level..basically a fun loving,humorous chatter box who loves spending hours together on phone!! well lemme tell you that m a gizmo geek too!! anything fascinating for that matter attracts my attention..not at all a sports person..love music like crazy, its actually an elixir of life 4 me, cant think of my survival without MUSIC..Not a party animal in true sense but once in a while njoy shaking my leg on the dance floor provided where the crowd is awesome!! i love attending pyjama parties especially the ones thrown in our cool gals hostels!!
Loves shopping and window shopping too especially on the streets of bangalore with frens..A sure movie- buff but only on late night weekends..hey how could i forget to key in my most craved for thing and thats ofcourse FOOD!!!
i am a foodie who enjoys anything and everything which looks good,smells good and ofcourse tastes good but there is always an exception to it and that is i hate south indian food,though i am staying in bangalore since past 7 yrs but since day 1, i have always hated the typical "SAMBHAR-RICE" cuisine..
because of my cheerful, mixing kindda nature till date i have loads of wonderful friends whom i treasure..they mean the world to me!! and so i am expecting that here in this fantabulous, mind blowing site i'l get in touch with few of my old aquaintances and frens and in the same time will make some even more fantastic cool friends.. so will you guys help me out in my venture??? coz without you lending a helping hand my " MISSION REMAINS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!"
Well that's all about me in a nutshell..hope u njoy reading it as much as i had keying that info in..looking forward to hear from all you special people out here..plz do send me loads n loads of mails n i promise to do my bit of share..
CIAO!!! take care...and all the best in your search!!!

To be

If I thought highly or my art, why would I want to become famous ? Why would I want to leave my work to the vulnerability of another judgement ? Ironically, confidence apparently is the key to being rich and famous.
This is my objection towards the writers of self help books.
Jah : Why can't we all just be ?

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Hyde fried a frog.
Jah : And it is alive.